
Friday, February 20, 2009

Shamu returns!

Everyone has been asking how big I have gotten so far since as we know from the past, I tend to blow up quite fast! So here it is ladies and gentleman:

Me at 10 weeks

Yeah I know! As my lovely sister Sandy has said you can call me Shamu these days! lol. I'm proud to say I've only gained 3 pounds so at least its not just me getting fat :)

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Everything's ok!

Today we had our first prenatal appoitnment and it was amazing! Very emotional for both me and chris but we got to see our little one and s/he is PERFECT!

Heart rate of 167 which the doctor said was awesome so I am so much more at ease now. Still scared cause there's always a slight chance something could go wrong but no where close to the panic I was feeling before. I bawled my eyes out when the doctor said our little one was ok, it was just pure relief and joy to know that FINALLY we are going to be blessed with a baby!