
Saturday, September 5, 2009

Baby Ethan is finally here!

After 16 LONG hours of hard labor at the hospital our little bundle of joy arrived on Sept. 4th, 2009 at 12:13am. Ethan weighed 6lbs 7oz and was 20 inches long.

He had some difficulty breathing at first so spent two days in NICU- which nearly killed me and chris! All is well now and we are very much in love with our new little man.

More details to follow :)

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

I'm pretty sure this kid will never come out!

So here I am at 37.5 weeks- a point where even the doctor didn't think I'd make it to. Why oh why does this child feel the need to stay inside me? Is it really THAT comfy in there that he doesn't want to come out and play??
I've spent the last two weeks in pure misery and pain. Sleepless night, exhausting days and I'm not even working!! I have no clue how women work until the day they deliver. Now trust me we need the money more than ever and I get that sometimes that just what you have to do but I couldn't even try if I had the employment to do so! Heck, I can't even drive anymore cause my belly won't allow me to turn the steering wheel.

Don't get me wrong- I'm glad he's safe and sound, and now full term (woo hoo!) but really kid you need to get NOW!

So to my beloved son, please evict my belly in the next 24 hours before mommy dearest loses her mind.

Here's a lovely "bump" shot to give you all a chuckle: