BOOO!! Why in the world would I try to lose weight before X-mas?? That's insane! Nonetheless I failed miserably at this one :(
So I am "editing" this goal and re-trying. I want to lose 8lbs by Jan 15.
I became a wife on Aug. 22 2008. A mother on Sept. 4 2009. And now I am struggling with the realities of both and trying to balance my newfound life in WA as a stay-at-home mom (most of the time)and trying not to drive myself crazy missing my friends and family in AZ. Please follow along on our amusing and crazy ride called "Our Life"!
Monday, December 28, 2009
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Merry Christmas everyone!
I know I'm a little late in the day, but with our little munchkin it's been a busy one! I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday and I will post pics and an update tomorrow... I hope :O)
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
#5 and #9- IN PROGRESS
Yesterday we took E to take his Christmas pics, and our family portraits! They turned out pretty good but I was so mad that the lady took all these great pics of him alone, just to find out she wasn't hooked to the computer!! GRRR! By the time she realized it he was starting to fuss :( I also am not 100% done with his X-mas pics yet- we still have two more special pics to take :)
Here are some of my favorite shots:
Sunday, December 20, 2009
I fell in love all over again...
...when I saw/took this picture.
Chris' 27th birthday was on Friday and Ethan had "bought" him a special daddy's love frame that has a beautiful poem with a picture slot in it. I searched for the perfect picture but couldn't find one that stood out that was the right size. So before our family birthday lunch we stepped outside and took some shots.
I must say I have two handsome men in my life! Totally melted my heart when I was editing them.
Chris' 27th birthday was on Friday and Ethan had "bought" him a special daddy's love frame that has a beautiful poem with a picture slot in it. I searched for the perfect picture but couldn't find one that stood out that was the right size. So before our family birthday lunch we stepped outside and took some shots.
I must say I have two handsome men in my life! Totally melted my heart when I was editing them.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Trip #2 to Santa
I'll explain Trip #1 at another time... I seem to be working backwards these days!
Today chris, me, and grandpa N went to take the little man to see Santa...dressed as a reindeer :) Too cute I must say! But as always he refused to smile while they were taking pics! Oh well, he still looks adorable to me!
Today chris, me, and grandpa N went to take the little man to see Santa...dressed as a reindeer :) Too cute I must say! But as always he refused to smile while they were taking pics! Oh well, he still looks adorable to me!
Monday, December 14, 2009
The Christmas/ Birthday shopping continues....
December in this household is like a toliet. The money just goes in circles down the drain. To give you an idea of what I am talking about here's a little list...
Chris' Dad- 4th
Chris' Sister in Law- 15th
Chris' older brother- 18th
Chris' oldest sister- 19th .....(yes their parent's were obviously very busy during one month each year!)
My Dad-25th
My Dad's twin-25th....(REALLY sucks to be my dad!)
My Mom
My Dad
C Dad
C Mom
C Brother
C Niece
C Nephew
C Nephew
C Nephew
C Sister
C Little Sister
C Grandma
C Uncle
Baby- to- be Blake
Uncle Jack
Thats a total of 27 presents plus we adopted a little boy to buy presents for as well! And we only have one income right now...sucky huh? Thankfully everyone know's we don't have much to give right now and we just do our best to get what we can. I am SO happy Ethan is too little to remember this x-mas cause he's getting PJ's and like 2 or 3 toys from us and "Santa". Not really what I imagined by kid's first Christmas to be like but he's loved more than anything in the world and that's all that really matters.
Chris' Dad- 4th
Chris' Sister in Law- 15th
Chris' older brother- 18th
Chris' oldest sister- 19th .....(yes their parent's were obviously very busy during one month each year!)
My Dad-25th
My Dad's twin-25th....(REALLY sucks to be my dad!)
My Mom
My Dad
C Dad
C Mom
C Brother
C Niece
C Nephew
C Nephew
C Nephew
C Sister
C Little Sister
C Grandma
C Uncle
Baby- to- be Blake
Uncle Jack
Thats a total of 27 presents plus we adopted a little boy to buy presents for as well! And we only have one income right now...sucky huh? Thankfully everyone know's we don't have much to give right now and we just do our best to get what we can. I am SO happy Ethan is too little to remember this x-mas cause he's getting PJ's and like 2 or 3 toys from us and "Santa". Not really what I imagined by kid's first Christmas to be like but he's loved more than anything in the world and that's all that really matters.
Sunday, December 13, 2009
#64 Complete-Inspire someone to make a 101 on 1001 list
My lovely friend Christian decided to join on the bandwagon and do a list of her own!
Can't wait to see yours dear, and if you'd like post a link to your list as well :)
Can't wait to see yours dear, and if you'd like post a link to your list as well :)
#44 Complete- Join MOMS club on South Hill
This one I completed a while ago but AGAIN never got around to posting. Man, I am such a slacker these days!!
About a month after we moved to WA I started getting very depressed and bitter about being here "alone" and having to leave my friends. I knew Chris was getting fed up with my attitude and I knew for myself I needed to make an attempt and liking the place. I looked into MOMS club and after chatting with their "MVP" I joined immediately! The ladies in the group are fantastic and sooo sweet! I couldn't have asked for a better group of MOMS. They all welcomed me with open arms and made me feel very comfortable at the gatherings.
I was going quite often before E got sick and then our trip to AZ so now that we're back and settled I am hoping to catch up with them all. For any mommies out there that are reading this I strongly suggest joining a group if you can!
About a month after we moved to WA I started getting very depressed and bitter about being here "alone" and having to leave my friends. I knew Chris was getting fed up with my attitude and I knew for myself I needed to make an attempt and liking the place. I looked into MOMS club and after chatting with their "MVP" I joined immediately! The ladies in the group are fantastic and sooo sweet! I couldn't have asked for a better group of MOMS. They all welcomed me with open arms and made me feel very comfortable at the gatherings.
I was going quite often before E got sick and then our trip to AZ so now that we're back and settled I am hoping to catch up with them all. For any mommies out there that are reading this I strongly suggest joining a group if you can!
#33 complete- Lose 5lbs before Thanksgiving
Well...this one didn't go as planned :/ BUT it did end with great results.
I never lost the 5 lbs BEFORE turkey day so I extended my due date til Dec.8th when I returned from AZ and uped it to 8lbs (just never got around to posting that one...whoops!).
And....I DID IT!! Woo hoo!! And even lost an additional pound!
So now I am down 9 lbs, and will continue on with my goal of an additional 5 before X-mas!
I never lost the 5 lbs BEFORE turkey day so I extended my due date til Dec.8th when I returned from AZ and uped it to 8lbs (just never got around to posting that one...whoops!).
And....I DID IT!! Woo hoo!! And even lost an additional pound!
So now I am down 9 lbs, and will continue on with my goal of an additional 5 before X-mas!
#10 Complete- Transition Ethan into his own crib
This was a tricky one- also one I thought would happen much later this year :( But after his sleeping got worse and worse I was desperate and was willing to give it a shot, despite how hard it was for me. But on Oct 27th, 2009 my little man slept all by himself in his own room...and LOVED it! He slept 6 hours straight too :) However I was a wreck the night and the SIDS monitor went off which freaked me out as well. However, Chris was actually more upset than I was that we moved him into his room sooner than planned. He was all mopey and missing his baby- too cute!
Of course I had to sneak in there and take a pic of him sleeping like a lamb :)
Of course I had to sneak in there and take a pic of him sleeping like a lamb :)
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
I'm still here....
I have been such a slacker lately with my posts!! We have just been so busy with everything! Ethan is going through this phase where he wants to be held all the time- normal I know but not like him!- and then there's been the holidays and I've been finishing up a project for banner. So needless to say I barely have time to breath.
I've got lots of updates and am promising I will catch up by this weekend!
I've got lots of updates and am promising I will catch up by this weekend!
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Blog Archive
- Incomplete- #34 Lose additional 5lbs by X-mas
- Merry Christmas everyone!
- #5 and #9- IN PROGRESS
- I fell in love all over again...
- Trip #2 to Santa
- The Christmas/ Birthday shopping continues....
- #64 Complete-Inspire someone to make a 101 on 1001...
- #44 Complete- Join MOMS club on South Hill
- #33 complete- Lose 5lbs before Thanksgiving
- #10 Complete- Transition Ethan into his own crib
- I'm still here....