I became a wife on Aug. 22 2008. A mother on Sept. 4 2009. And now I am struggling with the realities of both and trying to balance my newfound life in WA as a stay-at-home mom (most of the time)and trying not to drive myself crazy missing my friends and family in AZ. Please follow along on our amusing and crazy ride called "Our Life"!
Sunday, January 31, 2010
#87-Back-up all computers onto a external hard-drive (3/3)
Nothing major on this one, but I finally got all three of our computers backed up onto our hard drive. Woo hoo!! Now I just need to make sure I maintain this effort and back up mine at least once a month so I dont lose any important documents or pics!
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Reality has set in and I am WAY too impatient
Before Ethan was born I was no doubt a self proclaimed work-a-holic. Easily worked 70 hour work weeks, maintained numerous clients, 3 jobs, the whole 9 yards...without batting an eye. I was raised in a household where the woman was the wage-earner and that didn't bother me too much. I would've loved it if DH was, but when push came to shove I was more business savvy and that's ok.
When I got pregnant I figured I could still go on as normal until at least the 3rd trimester. WRONG! I had a wonderful 1st trimester. While my best friend was tired and sluggish, I felt like a million bucks except the normal bouts of morning sickness. Although, even that wasn't too bad. As soon as I hit the 2nd trimester, however, I thought someone was trying to run me over with a semi! I was so tired ALL THE TIME! I was also getting pretty big and having a hard time keeping up with work. That's when I had to start preparing to drop clients. Then my streak of bad luck started and I got into my first accident. After that, everything went basically downhill. By month 5 I was back on bedrest and by month 6 I was on it for good :( At that point I had to give up all my clients, however DH was able to help and keep some of the for me by taking over, and stop working at the hospital except for the occasional meeting and telecommuting.
At that point, it was hard but I would've done anything for our baby so I always kept that in mind. Plus I was so stinkin' tired and uncomfortable I didn't mind not working lol.
THEN, Ethan came and my whole world was rocked. I never knew you could feel such overwhelming feelings in such a short period of time. As soon as I gave birth to him it was an immediate rush of love. And ever since that moment I have had the hardes time leaving him. I know it's selfish and kind of crazy but I would rather us be "sliding by" and me get to stay with him (instead of him going to daycare) then for us to be "well off" and have someone else be with my son every single day. The thought of missing out on all his first's drive me crazy. I think it will kill me if I miss his first steps and words :( The thought alone brings me to tears. He's my whole world, and I guess I'm obsessed with my kid. Is that insane? Or weird? Maybe it's a first time mommy thing? Who knows...
But now we are in the situation of trying to really bust our rear ends and get our act together so we can move out this summer. We are forever grateful to DH's parents for what they do for us, but we're our own family now and we need to start acting like it. So although it kills me, I may need to work a full time job or a few part timers to get more money coming in. DH isn't working as much anymore...another post at another time...and I know that maybe I need to hop back into the driver's seat and take control ::sigh::
My first step in all this- I turned in two applications to two different nursing programs that are starting soon in hopes that I can knock that out of the way and take that route for working. Ideally that would be the best bet all around.
But in the meantime I take an hour every night and apply for what ever job I can on craiglist. Wish me luck everyone :)
When I got pregnant I figured I could still go on as normal until at least the 3rd trimester. WRONG! I had a wonderful 1st trimester. While my best friend was tired and sluggish, I felt like a million bucks except the normal bouts of morning sickness. Although, even that wasn't too bad. As soon as I hit the 2nd trimester, however, I thought someone was trying to run me over with a semi! I was so tired ALL THE TIME! I was also getting pretty big and having a hard time keeping up with work. That's when I had to start preparing to drop clients. Then my streak of bad luck started and I got into my first accident. After that, everything went basically downhill. By month 5 I was back on bedrest and by month 6 I was on it for good :( At that point I had to give up all my clients, however DH was able to help and keep some of the for me by taking over, and stop working at the hospital except for the occasional meeting and telecommuting.
At that point, it was hard but I would've done anything for our baby so I always kept that in mind. Plus I was so stinkin' tired and uncomfortable I didn't mind not working lol.
THEN, Ethan came and my whole world was rocked. I never knew you could feel such overwhelming feelings in such a short period of time. As soon as I gave birth to him it was an immediate rush of love. And ever since that moment I have had the hardes time leaving him. I know it's selfish and kind of crazy but I would rather us be "sliding by" and me get to stay with him (instead of him going to daycare) then for us to be "well off" and have someone else be with my son every single day. The thought of missing out on all his first's drive me crazy. I think it will kill me if I miss his first steps and words :( The thought alone brings me to tears. He's my whole world, and I guess I'm obsessed with my kid. Is that insane? Or weird? Maybe it's a first time mommy thing? Who knows...
But now we are in the situation of trying to really bust our rear ends and get our act together so we can move out this summer. We are forever grateful to DH's parents for what they do for us, but we're our own family now and we need to start acting like it. So although it kills me, I may need to work a full time job or a few part timers to get more money coming in. DH isn't working as much anymore...another post at another time...and I know that maybe I need to hop back into the driver's seat and take control ::sigh::
My first step in all this- I turned in two applications to two different nursing programs that are starting soon in hopes that I can knock that out of the way and take that route for working. Ideally that would be the best bet all around.
But in the meantime I take an hour every night and apply for what ever job I can on craiglist. Wish me luck everyone :)
Check out this great giveaway!
Cake Mom is hosting an awesome giveaway for immaculate baking co. Their products look super yummy- especially those blueberry scones! YUM!!!
Check it out and make sure to enter:
Check it out and make sure to enter:
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
#30 IN PROGRESS- Read 10 new books
I started this one about a month ago and it must've slipped my mind to blog about it!!!
I am totally guilty of being sucked into the twilight craze :/ I held off for a VERY long time, but a few weeks ago my sister kept going on and on about how awesome the series was that I just had to give it a whirl.
I am totally guilty of being sucked into the twilight craze :/ I held off for a VERY long time, but a few weeks ago my sister kept going on and on about how awesome the series was that I just had to give it a whirl.
And I fell MADLY in love with the whole crazy plot and movies. I'm talking obsessed people!! I stayed up until 5am one night/day trying to finish a book cause I just couldn't let go. And I had a 4 mo old who was going thru their "wakeful" period. Not a good idea if you ask me!!! But worth it at the time :) lol.
Out of all the books, Eclipse was my favorite! I liked the thought behind Breaking Dawn, but there was too much in one book, and everything seemed to be too hokey. I can't wait to see the next two movies.
Currently Twilight is on replay in our room....
Monday, January 25, 2010
First step towards seperation...
For me and E..not me and DH just so you know lol!
Today I dropped E off at the daycare at gym for the first time :( Now I know that doesn't sound like a whole lot to most, but to us that's HUGE! We've never been separated more than 4 hours MAX, and hes never been left with anyone other than family members (mainly Chris' mom watches him). So this was pretty scary for me. He's been going through these phases on and off the last month or so of not wanting anyone but me- even staying up WAY past his bedtime just so I am the last face he sees at night. Cute huh???
But to my surprise, he did great :D About 45 min into my workout a little boy was brought in by his parents and apparently freaked out big time and just screamed and screamed. Which of course scared my little guy to pieces so he started crying. But the attendent there said if the little boy wasn't freaking out Ethan would've been just fine.
That's a huge weight lifted of my shoulders. So we will try again tomorrow or Wednesday!
Today I dropped E off at the daycare at gym for the first time :( Now I know that doesn't sound like a whole lot to most, but to us that's HUGE! We've never been separated more than 4 hours MAX, and hes never been left with anyone other than family members (mainly Chris' mom watches him). So this was pretty scary for me. He's been going through these phases on and off the last month or so of not wanting anyone but me- even staying up WAY past his bedtime just so I am the last face he sees at night. Cute huh???
But to my surprise, he did great :D About 45 min into my workout a little boy was brought in by his parents and apparently freaked out big time and just screamed and screamed. Which of course scared my little guy to pieces so he started crying. But the attendent there said if the little boy wasn't freaking out Ethan would've been just fine.
That's a huge weight lifted of my shoulders. So we will try again tomorrow or Wednesday!
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Disappointment and Vanity
I've been on the prowl the last two weeks for a new/additional job to help the hubs with the bills, especially with my new car. I found one gig that I was hired for- but it's very few hours and a little on the far side. So I figured I'd take it but continue my search.
The other day this guy emailed me about a nanny gig for his family, so I interviewed with them today. LOVED THEM! They were like the perfect family for me to work for. Awesome parents, great kids, felt totally comfortable with them, and they even wanted me to bring E with me at least once a week! How cool?!?! I thought things went really well and was pretty confident they'd pick me- I was wrong :( I got a call a few hours later, like they had said they would, and was told they went with another gal, but they really liked me and wanted to keep my # in case it didn't work out with her. Slap in the face much??
I've NEVER had this happen before! I know it sounds vain, but kids is what I am good at. It's pretty much all I've ever done, besides my few years in the mortgage industry and my work at the hospital. I've always been the go to gal when it came to childcare, so for me to not get a job it's a huge kill to the ego. I feel like a moron but I wanna email the family and ask why they didn't choose me (FYI I SO will not to that!). I was very respectful and polite when they told me, and tried to hide the hurt in my voice as best as possible. I guess it's such a let down cause I really, really liked them too. They seemed like such great people and it was like an instant connection.
Guess I was wrong :(
The other day this guy emailed me about a nanny gig for his family, so I interviewed with them today. LOVED THEM! They were like the perfect family for me to work for. Awesome parents, great kids, felt totally comfortable with them, and they even wanted me to bring E with me at least once a week! How cool?!?! I thought things went really well and was pretty confident they'd pick me- I was wrong :( I got a call a few hours later, like they had said they would, and was told they went with another gal, but they really liked me and wanted to keep my # in case it didn't work out with her. Slap in the face much??
I've NEVER had this happen before! I know it sounds vain, but kids is what I am good at. It's pretty much all I've ever done, besides my few years in the mortgage industry and my work at the hospital. I've always been the go to gal when it came to childcare, so for me to not get a job it's a huge kill to the ego. I feel like a moron but I wanna email the family and ask why they didn't choose me (FYI I SO will not to that!). I was very respectful and polite when they told me, and tried to hide the hurt in my voice as best as possible. I guess it's such a let down cause I really, really liked them too. They seemed like such great people and it was like an instant connection.
Guess I was wrong :(
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
I'm so tired of being a sicky!
Seriously another frickin cold!!! This is like the 3rd one since thanksgiving!!!
I feel like someone's hitting me over the head over and over again :(
On the plus side... I got my copy of New Moon....YUMMY!!!! I should have some good dreams tonight ladies :D
I feel like someone's hitting me over the head over and over again :(
On the plus side... I got my copy of New Moon....YUMMY!!!! I should have some good dreams tonight ladies :D
Friday, January 15, 2010
#21 Complete- Send out paperwork for Ethan's birth certificate
This may have just been a "fluff" goal but to me doing paperwork is always a toughie. I am such a procrastinator and it takes me forever to get anything done!!! But I finally set all his stuff out this week to AZ so hopefully my child will have a birth certificate soon :)
#28 IN PROGRESS-Take Nursing Assistant Classes to become PCT and take WA State Board Exam
I am so proud of myself that I sent in my application for the Nursing Assistant course out here. I know it doesn't seem like a big step but to me it's HUGE!
It means so many things for me, for us really. Once I am accepted, a lot of things change. Ethan will most likely get a nanny or go into daycare for some part of the day. Which is something I am so nervous about. He's never really been without me and we are now working on easing him into the transition by leaving him with daddy a few times a week while I either work or do my own thing. He seems to be doing somewhat ok with it. Although there have been times where he's just cried and cried until I come home :( My poor munchkin!
Anyhow, the wait is about 4 months but I'm hoping they accept me sooner!!! I'm really excited about this!!
It means so many things for me, for us really. Once I am accepted, a lot of things change. Ethan will most likely get a nanny or go into daycare for some part of the day. Which is something I am so nervous about. He's never really been without me and we are now working on easing him into the transition by leaving him with daddy a few times a week while I either work or do my own thing. He seems to be doing somewhat ok with it. Although there have been times where he's just cried and cried until I come home :( My poor munchkin!
Anyhow, the wait is about 4 months but I'm hoping they accept me sooner!!! I'm really excited about this!!
#31 Complete- Get a new car!!

I really didn't think this one was going to get done for a while but lo and behold we bought one!
I am the proud owner of a mommymobile!! lol!
We got a 2008 Kia Sedona- quite the step down from my Benz in AZ :( but I'm a mom now and need to be more practical and think about the future. We want at least 1-2 more kids so a van makes sense. Plus we got a smokin' deal on it so there was no way for me to say no! Chris wasn't too happy about taking the plunge "to the dark side" at first but once he drove it and saw how much room we have now he agreed it was for the best!
In the FAR FAR future we will get a sportier car for Chris so we can use that as our "adult fun" car :)
Sunday, January 10, 2010
#3 Complete- Send out birth Announcements!
I FINALLY got pretty much all the announcements sent out- I hope ;) Lol! I'm pretty sure I didn't leave anyone out but if I did please let me know :)
I was pretty proud of myself as I made them on my own on Photoshop! Nothing super fancy but not bad for my first try, if I may say so myself!!
I was pretty proud of myself as I made them on my own on Photoshop! Nothing super fancy but not bad for my first try, if I may say so myself!!
Monday, January 4, 2010
He knows how to give me a heart attack for sure!
The first time your kid is REALLY sick is probably one of the worst feelings in the world. E had been acting really weird the past few weeks on and off-I feel like the worst mom in the world- and I always dismissed it for being something OTHER than being sick. He never had a fever, he was just always "off. Not sleeping well, clingy than normal, sometimes super fussy but a majority of the time a very happy baby.
Well on the night of the 1st he was just getting worse and worse, where it was to the point he would scream bloody murder if I put him down but calm down the second I picked him up. So I took his temp which read 93.3- weird to me considering it's normal 98-99. So I called the Pedi and the on call nurse starts off by telling me to bring him into the ER so they can rule out Twisted Gut Syndrome since it can be very dangerous for babies! Way to freak me out lady! As I start bawling my eyes our cause I'm so scared something wrong with my baby she mentions it could be an ear infection too. Nice. She couldn't have said the better of the two first??? RUDE!
So after making the trek to the ER in the rain, we wait for 4 hours and the Doc determines it's a nasty ear infection. He sends us off with an Rx and orders round the clock meds of Tylenol and Motrin- my poor baby!!!
But a few days later and he seems to be doing much much better...yay! We have his 4 month well check on Friday so we will see how that goes...
Well on the night of the 1st he was just getting worse and worse, where it was to the point he would scream bloody murder if I put him down but calm down the second I picked him up. So I took his temp which read 93.3- weird to me considering it's normal 98-99. So I called the Pedi and the on call nurse starts off by telling me to bring him into the ER so they can rule out Twisted Gut Syndrome since it can be very dangerous for babies! Way to freak me out lady! As I start bawling my eyes our cause I'm so scared something wrong with my baby she mentions it could be an ear infection too. Nice. She couldn't have said the better of the two first??? RUDE!
So after making the trek to the ER in the rain, we wait for 4 hours and the Doc determines it's a nasty ear infection. He sends us off with an Rx and orders round the clock meds of Tylenol and Motrin- my poor baby!!!
But a few days later and he seems to be doing much much better...yay! We have his 4 month well check on Friday so we will see how that goes...
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Blog Archive
- #87-Back-up all computers onto a external hard-dri...
- Reality has set in and I am WAY too impatient
- Check out this great giveaway!
- #30 IN PROGRESS- Read 10 new books
- First step towards seperation...
- Disappointment and Vanity
- I'm so tired of being a sicky!
- #21 Complete- Send out paperwork for Ethan's birth...
- #28 IN PROGRESS-Take Nursing Assistant Classes to ...
- #31 Complete- Get a new car!!
- #3 Complete- Send out birth Announcements!
- He knows how to give me a heart attack for sure!