This one is kinda half and half....
All of my adult life I have been known to be a work-a-holic. I LOVE working...correction...I LOVE making money. Anyone who knew me said I would never be the type to stay at home once Ethan was born--and I totally agreed. That all went out the window when little man was born. Now I CAN'T work, I just can't bear the thought of being without him, or missing something in his life. But when push comes to shove, we need the money so I had to compromise.
Which leads me to #86. I got a VERY VERY part-time job in December working at the local community college in Puyallup 1-2 times a week. Not a bad gig, I scheduled myself on the nights someone would be home and it gave me some time to adjust to being away from E. However, the pay isn't the greatest and the more I got out here the more I realized I needed more money if we were going to accomplish the goals we have set. So in January I started my search again. This time I wanted something that gave me the option to bring E if need be.
Which landed right back into Childcare. I wasn't bothered by it, cause it's what I know and what I'm good at. A daycare in Tacoma hired me but once again the hour's weren't the best so in Febuary I searched AGAIN! A lovely family that lives 5 minutes from us ended up hiring me and is allowing me to bring E with me whenever I want, which is amazing!
So far the schedule seems to be working out nicely, although it is tiring. Some days I wish I worked one job full time, but deep down I know that isn't me. I've always had busy schedule, numerous clients and enough work to drive a person mad. But as long as I have my baby E with my whenever I want I'm good to go :)