Today was E's first day at the sitter- a.k.a. my friend H who has been awesome enough to watch him when we both have to work. I was an absolute nervous wreck over this. H is great- very sweet, a mom herself to 2 kids , one thats only a few months older than E- so really I shouldn't be worried. BUT as you probably have read from my previous posts, I somehow turned into the mom I dreaded: the crazy neurotic one :/
I try my hardest to hold my crazies in, or at least just let myself deal with them when I'm alone. And I definatly try my very best not to project my crazies on anyone who is taking care of E. As long as they know my worst fear's and things that are non-negoitable about his safety then I'm pretty lax on what they do.
Anyhow, me and DH drop E off, I giver H the rundown on how E is and then off we go. He didn't even seem to notice I left but as soon as I got in the car I burst into tears and DH just rolls his eyes at me and say's that he's fine and in good hands. We decieded to go to lunch so the whole way there I start worrying and then get a text with a cute pic of the boys playing and E all smiley.HUGE sigh of relief. I finally relaxed and we went about our day shopping and spending some adult alone time.
H got him down for a nap just fine...HUGE SHOCKER for me...and then sent the above pic when it was close to pick-up time. I am so happy and relieved that his first day went well. It makes it so much easier knowing that when the time comes for him to do a full day that he will be ok and happy there!!