
Tuesday, December 7, 2010


Due to a recent "invasion of privacy" as I would call it, I am being FORCED to shut my blog down. My own writing has been used against me in a negative way instead of the positive outlet that I desperately needed. Since I have oh so many friends in WA, and so many people blowing up my cell phone to spend time (or even invite/include me in their plans) you know I don't have time for this {cough cough SARCASM there for those who didn't get it :P)

Apparently freedom of speech means nothing, and I'm supposed to sit and smile on an everyday basis and do what everybody else expects of me. It's a shame too, this blog helped me somewhat sort out thoughts in my head and NEVER in a million years would I guess it would get used in the way it did. So I'll go back to the days of running everything through my mind and having no outlet for them. An advice to readers of other blogs, if you don't like what's being written on someones blog then don't read it. No on is forcing you. If it bothers/upsets/irks you then stop following it. By causing a ruckus over it you have no idea what kind of position your putting them in when your forcing them to close theirs. Sometimes this is almost the only creative outlet they have and taking it away is more painful then you would think.

Good-bye to my few (and far between) readers. You have no idea how I will miss you...