I became a wife on Aug. 22 2008. A mother on Sept. 4 2009. And now I am struggling with the realities of both and trying to balance my newfound life in WA as a stay-at-home mom (most of the time)and trying not to drive myself crazy missing my friends and family in AZ. Please follow along on our amusing and crazy ride called "Our Life"!
Monday, December 28, 2009
Incomplete- #34 Lose additional 5lbs by X-mas
So I am "editing" this goal and re-trying. I want to lose 8lbs by Jan 15.
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Merry Christmas everyone!
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
#5 and #9- IN PROGRESS
Sunday, December 20, 2009
I fell in love all over again...
Chris' 27th birthday was on Friday and Ethan had "bought" him a special daddy's love frame that has a beautiful poem with a picture slot in it. I searched for the perfect picture but couldn't find one that stood out that was the right size. So before our family birthday lunch we stepped outside and took some shots.
I must say I have two handsome men in my life! Totally melted my heart when I was editing them.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Trip #2 to Santa
Today chris, me, and grandpa N went to take the little man to see Santa...dressed as a reindeer :) Too cute I must say! But as always he refused to smile while they were taking pics! Oh well, he still looks adorable to me!
Monday, December 14, 2009
The Christmas/ Birthday shopping continues....
Chris' Dad- 4th
Chris' Sister in Law- 15th
Chris' older brother- 18th
Chris' oldest sister- 19th .....(yes their parent's were obviously very busy during one month each year!)
My Dad-25th
My Dad's twin-25th....(REALLY sucks to be my dad!)
My Mom
My Dad
C Dad
C Mom
C Brother
C Niece
C Nephew
C Nephew
C Nephew
C Sister
C Little Sister
C Grandma
C Uncle
Baby- to- be Blake
Uncle Jack
Thats a total of 27 presents plus we adopted a little boy to buy presents for as well! And we only have one income right now...sucky huh? Thankfully everyone know's we don't have much to give right now and we just do our best to get what we can. I am SO happy Ethan is too little to remember this x-mas cause he's getting PJ's and like 2 or 3 toys from us and "Santa". Not really what I imagined by kid's first Christmas to be like but he's loved more than anything in the world and that's all that really matters.
Sunday, December 13, 2009
#64 Complete-Inspire someone to make a 101 on 1001 list
Can't wait to see yours dear, and if you'd like post a link to your list as well :)
#44 Complete- Join MOMS club on South Hill
About a month after we moved to WA I started getting very depressed and bitter about being here "alone" and having to leave my friends. I knew Chris was getting fed up with my attitude and I knew for myself I needed to make an attempt and liking the place. I looked into MOMS club and after chatting with their "MVP" I joined immediately! The ladies in the group are fantastic and sooo sweet! I couldn't have asked for a better group of MOMS. They all welcomed me with open arms and made me feel very comfortable at the gatherings.
I was going quite often before E got sick and then our trip to AZ so now that we're back and settled I am hoping to catch up with them all. For any mommies out there that are reading this I strongly suggest joining a group if you can!
#33 complete- Lose 5lbs before Thanksgiving
I never lost the 5 lbs BEFORE turkey day so I extended my due date til Dec.8th when I returned from AZ and uped it to 8lbs (just never got around to posting that one...whoops!).
And....I DID IT!! Woo hoo!! And even lost an additional pound!
So now I am down 9 lbs, and will continue on with my goal of an additional 5 before X-mas!
#10 Complete- Transition Ethan into his own crib
Of course I had to sneak in there and take a pic of him sleeping like a lamb :)
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
I'm still here....
I've got lots of updates and am promising I will catch up by this weekend!
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Master List
Memory Stuff:
1-Finish pregnancy scrapebook
2-Start/Finish baby scrapbook
4-Make appointment/Take Halloween Pictures (1/2)
5-Make appointment/Take Christmas Pictures (1/2)
7-Do the 365 Photo Challange starting Jan. 2011
8-Finish wedding scrapbook
9-Book holiday family portraits session (1/2)
Ethan Stuff:
10-Transition Ethan into his crib in his own room :(
11-Work out details for Baptism (book church, plan party, ask Godparents)/ Baptize Ethan
14-Organize/Re-do the nursery
15-Take Ethan to storytime at the library at least once a month (0/12)
17-Write Ethan a letter on his birthday (1/2)
18-Go on a walk with Ethan at least 1x week until it gets too cold or snows
20-Throw Ethan a 2nd birthday party
21-Send out paperwork for Ethan's birth certificate
22-Put money in Ethan's piggy bank every month (amt to be decided)
23-Teach Ethan sign language
24-Start speaking and teaching Ethan Spanish
Me time:
26-Work on Photography (sign up for classes or research techniques, start taking more pics)
27-Sign up for Nursing School for RN
29-Take NET exam
30-Read 10 new books (6/10)
31-Get a new car
32-Reach goal weight (for me know and you to possibly find out ;P)
33-Lose 5 lbs by thanksgiving 2009
34-Lose additional 5lbs by xmas 2009
35-Lose 10lbs by valentine’s day 2010
36-Lose 15lbs by my birthday- May 10,2010
37-Lose 20lbs by Ethan’s 1st birthday- Sept 4,2010
38-Lose 15lbs by Xmas 2010
39-Do a mini-makeover on myself after losing 30lbs
40-Re-connect with an old friend
41-Send out x-mas cards (1/2)
42-Finish my "book"
43-Find a way to forgive
44-Join MOMS club on South Hill
45-Re-fresh on Spanish
46-Learn to knit
Health and Fitness:
48-No junk food for a week
49-Go to the gym at least 3x week for one month
50-Do sit-ups every day (start with 25 and increase by 25 every week) for 2 months
51-Do a half-marathon
52-No Fast Food for 21 days straight
53-Go to the farmers market and buy produce
54-Enroll in a dance class for fun
55-Take a pole dancing workout class
56-Take a trip with my sisters
57-Take Ethan to Sedona, AZ and hike
58-Go to the Grand Canyon...FINALLY
59-Take a vacation that is just me and Chris
60-Take Ethan to Chicago
61-Take a vacation to Seaside
62-Take Ethan to Disneyland
63-Blog about each goal completed (7/101)
64-Inspire someone to make a 101 on 1001 list
65-Get more followers for my blog (Start #- 3- Goal=20)
66-Do at LEAST one blog post a week (not goal list related) for 3 months
67-Make a new treat for the family and blog about it x12
69-Put together a recipe book of family and friends favorite recipes
70-Cook dinner for EVERYONE once a week for 6 months (6/24)
Family time:
71-Have a family game night once a month (with EVERYONE) for 3 months (0/3)
72-Take nephews in WA ice skating or sledding
73-Webchat with my mom and sister at least once a month (0/12)
74-Attend church with in-laws every week until Ethan's baptism
Our little family (Chris, Ethan and Me)
75-Move into our own place again
76-Re-decorate (or decorate) our bedroom
77-Do a family outing (just me,Chris,and Ethan) at least once a month (2/12)
78-Hike Mount Rainer with Chris and Ethan(maybe)
79-Do a snow day with Ethan and Chris, and make snowmen and go on a sled
80-Watch all episodes of George Lopez with Chris (me and Chris' favorite show)
81-Take a trip to the Space Needle in Seattle (fear of heights)
Money and Important Stuff:
82-Make a budget
84-Buy a lotto ticket every week for a month (1/4)
85-Get passports for me and Chris
87-Back-up all computers onto a external hard-drive (3/3)
88-Set up a interest savings account and/or Roth IRA
89-Get a WA license for me and Chris (0/2)
90-Put $1000/month in savings for 12 months (0/12)
91-Sign up for Life Insurance for me and Chris
92-Make a will for me and Chris
93-Start trying for baby #2 in
94-Clip coupons for places other than BRU
Good for the soul:
95-Collect xmas present for the kids in the hospital or orphanage
96-Go through storage unit and donate what we do not need
97-Choose a charity and start volunteer work
98-Buy a new bed
99-Sign up Izzy (black lab) for training class
100-Buy a DSLR Camera
101-Start a new list!
I CAN do it!
Friday, November 6, 2009
5 question Friday
1. What is your dream job?
Being an RN. I dropped out of the program a few years ago when I got pregnant the 1st time and thought I couldn't handle the speciality I chose, and have regretted it ever since. Now I will be going back in January and deciding if I want to do L&D or Peds!
2. What song could you play over and over?
Rascal Flatts- God bless the broken road...LOVE that song!!
3. Do you prefer to talk on the phone or text (or email)?
I'm a texter 100%!
4. What is your must have beauty product?
Lip gloss....even if I have no make-up on I will def be wearing lip gloss.
5. What is your favorite Michael Jackson song?
This is a toughie...I was never a big M.J. fan (I know I know) but I'd prob say the one with the video of him in egypt (???? blanking on the name)...sorry!
Thursday, November 5, 2009
101 goals in 1001 days! - My list is complete FINALLY
The Mission: Complete 101 preset tasks in a period of 1001 days.
The Criteria: Tasks must be specific (ie. no ambiguity in the wording) with a result that is either measurable or clearly defined. Tasks must also be realistic and stretching (ie. represent some amount of work on my part).
Why 1001 Days? Many people have created lists in the past - frequently simple goals such as New Year's resolutions. The key to beating procrastination is to set a deadline that is realistic. 1001 Days (about 2.75 years) is a better period of time than a year, because it allows you several seasons to complete the tasks, which is better for organising and timing some tasks such as overseas trips or outdoor activities.
Here's My List:
1-Finish pregnancy scrapebook
2-Start baby scrapebook
3-Send out birth announcements
4-Send out thank-you cards from birth gifts (REALLY late on this!)
5-Work out details for Baptism (book church, plan party, ask Godparents)/ Baptize Ethan
6-Make appointment/Take Halloween Pictures (1/2)
7-Make appointment/Take Christmas Pictures (0/2)
8-Take pictures on the 4th of each month for the 1st year (1/12)
11-Organize/Re-do the nursery
12-Go to storytime at the library at least once a month (0/12)
13-Enroll in a mommy and me class
14-Reach goal weight (for me know and you to possibly find out ;P)
15-Work on Photography (sign up for classes or research techniques, start taking more pics)
16-Sign up for Nursing School for RN
17-Take Nursing Assistant Classes to become PCT and take WA State Board Exam
18-Take NET exam
19-Read 10 new books
20-Get a new car
21-Start trying for baby #2 in Early 2011
22-Make a new treat for the family and blog about it x12
23-No soda for a week
24-No junk food for a week
25-Go to the gym at least 3x week for one month
26-Learn to knit
27-Re-fresh on Spanish
28-Join MOMS club on South Hill
29-Do situps every day (start with 25 and increase by 25 every week) for 2 months
30-Find a way to forgive my SIL
31-Choose a charity and start volunteer work
32-Finish my "book"
33-Write Ethan a letter on his birthday (0/2)
34-Re-decorate our bedroom
35-Take a trip to the Space Needle in Seattle (fear of heights)
36-Do a half-marathon
37-Do a family outing (just me,Chris,and Ethan) at least once a month (0/12)
38-Move into our own place again
39-Hike Mount Rainer with Chris and Ethan(maybe)
40-Go on a walk with Ethan at least 1x week until it gets too cold or snows
41-Take a vaction to Seaside
42-Take Ethan to Disneyland
43-Throw Ethan a 1st birthday party
44-Throw Ethan a 2nd birthday party
45-Take Ethan to Chicago
46-No Fast Food for 21 days straight
47-Do a snow day with Ethan and Chris, and make snowmen and go on a sled
48-Attend church every week until Ethan's baptism
49-Take a vacation that is just me and Chris
50-Buy a new bed
51-Take Ethan to Sedona, AZ and hike
52-Go to the Grand Canyon...FINALLY
53-Webchat with my mom and sister at least once a month (0/12)
54-Go to the farmers market and buy produce
55-Go to downtown Seattle fish market and buy something to make for dinner
56-Sign up Izzy (black lab) for training class
57-Put $1000/month in savings for 12 months
58-Sign up for Life Insurance for me and Chris
59-Make a will for me and Chris
60-Clip coupons for places other than BRU
61-Send out paperwork for Ethan's birth certificate
62-Set up a interest savings account and/or Roth IRA
63-Get a WA license for me and Chris (0/2)
64-Back-up all computers onto a external hard-drive (0/3)
65-Go through storage unit and donate what we do not need
66-Do at LEAST one blog post a week (not goal list related) for 3 months
67-Book holiday family portriats session (0/2)
69-Send out x-mas cards (0/2)
70-Enroll in a dance class for fun
71-Lose 5 lbs by thanksgiving 2009
72-Lose additional 5lbs by xmas 2009
73-Lose 10lbs by valentines day 2010
74-Lose 15lbs by my birthday- May 10,2010
75-Lose 20lbs by Ethans 1st birthday- Sept 4,2010
76-Lose 15lbs by Xmas 2010
77-Re-connect with an old friend
78-Take nephews in WA ice skating or sleding
79-Finish wedding scarpebook
80-Take a pole dancing workout class
81-Put money in Ethan's piggy bank every month (amt to be decided)
82-Collect xmas present for the kids in the hospital or orphanage
83-Teach ethan sign language
84-Start speaking and teaching Ethan spanish
85-Get more followers for my blog (Current #- 3)
86-Watch all episodes of George Lopez (me and Chris' favorite show)
87-Inspire someone to make a 101 on 1001 list
88-Get a part-time job
89-Get passports for me and Chris
90-Take a trip with my sisters
91-Put together a recipe book of family and freinds favorite recipes
92-Buy a lotto ticket every week for a month (0/4)
93-Blog about each goal completed (0/101)
94-Do a mini-makeover on myself after losing 30lbs
95-Cook dinner for EVERYONE once a week for 6 months (2/24)
96-Make a budget
97-Have a family game night once a month (with EVERYONE) for 3 months (0/3)
98-Do the 365 Photo Challange starting Jan. 2010
99-Enroll Ethan into daycare part-time
100-Sign up for new medical insurance for me and Chris (0/2)
101-Start a new list!
Thank you to the ladies who's goals I "borrowed"!! Good luck to all :)
Monday, November 2, 2009
Halloween Pics
Monday, October 26, 2009
A love like this
He's been nothing short of a fussy pain in the rear the past three days. I haven't slept very well at all and am so frustrated that I can't figure out what's wrong with him. Like tonight, I tried keeping him up, feeding him a little extra and he still cried for an hour and a half for no apparent reason. It's midnight and he just now stopped crying! But after he stopped crying I hopped onto my computer to look at pics and browsed my delivery photos. Then I started crying!! Going back to the day he was born brought back all these wonderful and happy feelings.
He's the best thing to ever happen to me, and I am so thankful to have him in my life. After the loss of our two angel babies looking at what a miracle he is makes me melt inside. It takes ever scream and temper tantrum he throws so worth every single minute. I wouldn't change a thing, he could scream for days on end and I'd still be on cloud nine...granted I hoped he doesn't!!!!
Saturday, October 24, 2009
The sleep god's answered my prayers!
Low and behold it worked like a charm! Last night he slept 7 hours straight- after screaming for 3 hours prior but that's another story, and the night before that was almost 6 hours! I know we're gonna pay the price for this when it comes time to move him to his own crib in a few weeks but for now I'll take the risk in exchange of a few extra hours of sleep :P
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Time to make a change...
Halloween Pics and doctor update
We went BACK to the doc today for E's cough and they said his lungs were looking good and that it probably was just a little cold, so no need to wory. Phew- mommy was starting to get really worried. They did weigh him and drum roll please...our chunkier is weighing in at 11 lbs 4 oz!!! He gained almost a whole pound in a week...yikes!
Monday, October 19, 2009
What a big guy we have!
He no longer likes to be away from us at dinner time- usually he's content being in his swing or bouncer- and his high chair thingy is still being ordered so I bought his "Bumbo" a little early and he seems to like it!

He seems like such a big boy in his little seat! It feels like yesterday he was born and just so tiny when I held him. I can't get over how fast he's growing :(
Friday, October 16, 2009
Birth Story
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Ethan's first trip to Build-a-bear
It seems like all this child has is puppy dogs or turtles so we decided to change it up a bit and get him a polar bear! Seems appropriate since we moved him to freezing cold, right?
I can't say it enough, but I've got one cute kid huh? AND he's already learned how to pose for the camera. Who ever said that boys can't be trained just didn't start early enough :D
Saturday, October 10, 2009
I have the cutest lion...EVER!
Thursday, October 8, 2009
We're here!
It was a hard and long move but we are finally here and mostly settled. I don't think I have ever been so stressed in my life and am so glad that things are finally over. I do however miss AZ, and everyone there, like crazy. I am hoping that we can come home for Thanksgiving though!
Chris and Ethan both are sick- Chris with bronchitis, Ethan with a minor cold (nothing the doc is worried about thankfully!) so I have had my hands full beyond belief. My only ray of light through this ordeal is that I have been forced to stay at the house for the most part which has been nice since we were so on the go before we left AZ.
I've taken LOTS of cute pics of E so I will get to posting them soon :)
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Baby Ethan is finally here!
He had some difficulty breathing at first so spent two days in NICU- which nearly killed me and chris! All is well now and we are very much in love with our new little man.
More details to follow :)
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
I'm pretty sure this kid will never come out!

Saturday, August 22, 2009
Happy Anniversary to my one true love!
Now if we could just win that million dollars we'd be golden...
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Movin' on up...
With our son coming into the world any moment now, we needed to have a better plan. "Getting by" wasn't going to cut it when it came to our baby. He deserves the best. He deserves to be safe. He deserves parents who are not at their wits end wondering if they will be able to provide for him. He didn't ask to be brought into this world, and there is no way we were going to allow him to have a life anything less than AMAZING.
So with that, on September 26th, 2009 Chris will be moving our belongings to Washington State, while me and Ethan continue on our wait to the 6 week mark and then fly up to meet him. After months of discussing this option we finally came to the decision that the move was the only way for us to get back on our feet.
While it is by no means an ideal situation, it is what is best for us and for our son. Leaving AZ and everyone here will be unbearably hard but we will make frequent visits and you better believe we will be back as soon as we have things where they should be.
This opportunity is for me to finish my degree and Chris to get back to working. I hope that everyone around us understands what we are doing and supports us in this decision, for it has not been an easy one to make.
Friday, August 7, 2009
Time flies...
Let me go back to a month ago when all the "fun" stuff started...
On July 7th I had been working all day and although I felt funny I chalked it up to the pregnancy. I was 29 weeks and HUGE so I didn't think much of it. A little after noon I started realizing that the pressure I had been feeling all weekend was getting worse and I was also experiencing some tightening all over my belly. I knew that my OB was in surgery cause she was working on my boss! I waiting until about 4pm to give them a call cause I knew I was going to be going home any minute and sure enough the nurse said head to Labor and Delivery ASAP. Once there, they hooked me up to a monitor and sure enough I was having contractions every 3 minutes! Not only was I contracting but I was dilated a fingertip. The immediately gave me Terbutaline, and everything calmed down. I was sent home and told to be on bedrest. JUST PEACHY!
The following day was supposed to be our follow-up 3-D ultrasound and the nurse gave me the go ahead to still go as long as I went straight there and back. Which we did. Later that night I started feeling contractions again and started timing them but this time they were every 6 minutes. That was enough to send me back into L&D though. After two attempts of the Terbutaline, contractions slowed down and now I was given the oral medication to take at home as well.
That Saturday, July 11th, Chris left to do some errands for his boss while I stayed home to rest. I had been having a really hard time on the medication and just didn't feel right. He called me around 11am and I couldn't even put a sentence together and got very frustrated and started sobbing. Then when I would try to get up my legs would go stiff as a tree trunk and lock up to the point where I would almost fall over. Chris insisted I call my OB, and she sent me back to L&D. This time I was still having minor contraction, but nothing in comparison to the days prior. They switched my meds and all was calm again.
This time around I felt like a million bucks by the next day! I was still on bedrest but as long as I was taking it easy I could get up every once and a while and do an errand. Chris was a huge help and started taking over some of my clients since he wasn't working much. The kids ended up liking him more than me! SHOCKER :P!
As much as I wanted our little guy out, when I look back at things I am so relieved to know we made it another 5+ weeks. He has been able to grow so much in that time and each week he stays put means less time he would have to spend in NICU. Even though he is such a big baby (at my 33.5 week appointment he measured 37 weeks!!), we're not sure where his lungs are at this point and since I have such bad asthma problems, it's a big concern that he will have breathing issues as well.
So here's to hoping that our little butterball will back just a little bit more....
Friday, July 10, 2009
More 3-D Pics...
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
I failed :(
They like to see levels at 140 or less and mine came back at 170. I even fasted for it so that we wouldn't have this issue!! I'm quite disappointed in myself right now and very scared for the next round of testing. I have to go back in sometime this week to do the 3-hour glucose test and if I fail that one as well they will consider me High Risk again and categorize me as having Gestational Diabetes.
I know there is nothing I can do about it now, and really this is just something I have to deal with but I'm still very stressed and sad about the whole ordeal. I've been put on a semi-strict diet before I take the test again to see if that helps and then they will re-evaluate the situation after they receive my next round of results.
Prayers are appreciated :)
Monday, June 22, 2009
Baby Shower- June 20th
Here are some pics from the day:
The sign that was outside
Me and My lovely host- Sonja
Sheena, Me and Sonja
Me with all the wonderful gifts everyone gave us
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Nursery Pics
We still haven't been able to purchase the new bedding yet so I just put in the old one since it looked so naked haha. Everything looks GREAT and it finally feels like things are starting to come together.
Time is flying by so quickly and it's hard to believe he could be here in a little over 2 months (depending on how long he decides to stay in there!!!) !
Friday, June 19, 2009
27 week Doctor Appointment
Here's for the funny part. Each visit they measure my belly to make sure his growth is on track. The # of centimeters it is should be equal to the # of weeks I am in the pregnancy. Even when they do an ultrasound and show he's measuring big on there he is ALWAYS on track for the belly measurement. Not this week....He decided to grow a whole 2 centimeters bigger this time!! They said he's now measuring for 29 weeks!!! I think we've got a big boy on our hands....
Thursday, June 11, 2009
3D Ultrasound Pics
Friday, May 29, 2009
We got good news!
Dr. Langer said I was doing well too- no signs of diabetes yet but I still have to take the test in 3 weeks, my swelling is pretty up there but she doesn't think it looks to out of the oridnary, and although I was very unhappy with my weight gain she said I'm doing just fine and believes the increase is due to fluids not caloric intake. So all in all I was very happy when I left there- that is until I had to pay the bill...YIKES! I must admit that although I LOVE my OB and the office, my only downside with them is paying out of pocket- NO FUN!

And he's got REALLY big feet!!

Monday, May 25, 2009
23 weeks
We're looking forward to a follow-up ultrasound this thursday to see how much room our little man has. Personally, I am intriqued to see how much our little chubbers weighs already :)
23 Weeks, 1 Day
Blog Archive
- Incomplete- #34 Lose additional 5lbs by X-mas
- Merry Christmas everyone!
- #5 and #9- IN PROGRESS
- I fell in love all over again...
- Trip #2 to Santa
- The Christmas/ Birthday shopping continues....
- #64 Complete-Inspire someone to make a 101 on 1001...
- #44 Complete- Join MOMS club on South Hill
- #33 complete- Lose 5lbs before Thanksgiving
- #10 Complete- Transition Ethan into his own crib
- I'm still here....