I'm really hoping that this baby is a boy cause if not we are so in the hole with money and baby items! Lol. Okay, not really but all the things we did buy so far are geared towards a boy- and they have all been on sale or discounted ;) Aren't you proud mom??? :)
Today we bought some of the bedding for the nursery. Since the one we want isn't in stores and we can't register for it if we have a baby shower- that's a whole other story- we figured our best bet is to just eat the cost and buy it ourself. Thankfully I looked online and found a couple near us who was selling theirs that their baby barely used. It was in PERFECT condition and a great price. And tonight I found the decorations for it as well! But the seller is in CA so if we agree on a price they'd have to ship it which I am not so sure about. Any who, here's a pic of what a completed room would look like...if we ever get there :)