The past few days I've been having these sharp pains in my lower abdomen and I kinda chalked it up to growing pains but finally today I couldn't take it anymore and no one in the Medicaid program would see me until I got my approval so I called my old OB's office, explained what was going on with the pains and insurance. The said come in for a reg office visit but my OB is out of town. So the nurse did Triage on me and called me back and said another doc in the practice wants me to come in ASAP. I went in thinking everything was ok cause I wasn't too concerned to start with but my blood pressure was high...again...they found white blood cells in my urine, and seemed very concerned about what was going on. The doc came in did an u/s and the bean was there waving away! It had a heart rate of 148, and she said everything looked good. She did say "Wow that's a big baby" when she first saw it But she was worried about my ovaries and possible appendicitis. So they sent me to an imaging center for another u/s. Chris wasn't able to get to me in time but got freaked out once I told him about what the doc said so he rushed to meet me in time for the 2nd u/s. I was hoping he'd get a quick peek at our little bean since he missed the other one!
The imaging center wouldn't let Chris in the room cause she said she wasn't going to do anything baby related so I basically guilted her into giving us a pic so he could finally see it.

Isn't the baby HUGE?!? lol.....but so darn cute I must say ;)
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