I'm stealing this from my internet buddy Lisa. She is an awesome lady who I had the pleasure of "meeting" on a wedding board, and have stayed in contact since then. I actually even ran into her one day at Bed, Bath and Beyond but that's a whole other story lol! She writes a wonderful blog that I encourage those who don't already follow her to take a look at!
She has taken this from Kelly's Korner, which is another blog that I started following today that looks great!
So here we go...My Typical Day:
6:45a- Ethan wakes up has a quick bottle (me and DH take turns feeding him his bottle) and is usually back down at 7am :)
9a-10a- Ethan is up for the day and gets dressed and has solids (the one who got to "sleep" in takes this one). Then we do some playing and I check my e-mail, FB, blog, and bank account while he plays in the bouncer. At some point I get dressed for the day as well, and make some coffee.
11am- On Wednesdays and Fridays I head off to work (occasionally a Tuesday or Thursday gets thrown in here too). If it's a non-work day I am probably switching between working for the Hosptial via telecommuting and playing with E.
12pm- Ethan goes down for a nap
1pm- If I am at work, I get the other baby up and feed him lunch. I try to eat something at this point as well.
2pm- Ethan wakes up and has a bottle. On my work days DH brings him to the house I am working at so he can play with the other baby.
3pm- Playtime regardless is I'm working or not lol. Baby Einstein movies usually gets played around this time. We don't really "watch" them but more so listen to the music and occasionally stare at the babies faces.
3:30pm- On work days, the other baby (Baby D) goes down for nap
4pm- Ethan goes down for a nap. I try to take this time to clean and catch up on shows if I am just worn out at the moment and need to sit. I try and have a small snack now too.
5-6pm- Ethan gets up. Baby D gets up on work days. E has a bottle and on work days I usually go home around 6. If it's a Tuesday I am heading to work at the College at 5.
6:30pm- Ethan eats dinner of solids and a sippy cup. And if a bath is needed we take one after dinner.
7:30pm-Ethan gets a big bottle, change into jammies, gives his kisses to grandma and daddy if he's home, and rocks for a few minutes with mommy before we get tucked in with a binky and his freddie.
8:30pm- I finally get to eat dinner, which has now become just a small salad. I catch up on the rest of my shows if any, play on the internet for a bit, and wait for DH to get off if he's working.
9:30pm- On Tuesdays I am getting off work.
10:30pm- DH gets home if he's working, we chat for a bit, watch any of "our shows" and then I head to bed!
Just reading about my day is exhausting lol! I know I've always been a busybody but wow!
What does YOUR day look like???
I became a wife on Aug. 22 2008. A mother on Sept. 4 2009. And now I am struggling with the realities of both and trying to balance my newfound life in WA as a stay-at-home mom (most of the time)and trying not to drive myself crazy missing my friends and family in AZ. Please follow along on our amusing and crazy ride called "Our Life"!
1 comment:
yep...busy busy!
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