
Tuesday, April 20, 2010

It's crunch time!

I have less than 30 days now to get my butt in gear for AZ! YAY YAY YAY!! And nay at the same time :/

Since I am such a slacker, I didn't lose the weight I wanted to and now I am left to stress for the rest of the month hoping I can lose something (aiming for 10 if possible but trying to be real at the same time). I really didn't want to come home looking like this, better yet showing up at my conference looking frumpy yet again (last year I was 6 months preggo and so big I could barely help or do my normal duties :( )

PLUS, when Chris joins us in AZ we are taking some family pictures with the awesome Shelly Ivy...SO EXCITED!!

I know there is more to looking/feeling great than losing the weight so I am also going to start looking into getting some new make-up (Miss Lisa P this is where I need you!!), working on my hair, and finding a few outfits that fit right and that I like.

I have also been working really hard on trying to lose at least some of the inital pounds I was hoping to shed. So now I have cut out my diet coke's completely, limit myself to one TALL starbucks a week if need be, eat better (more salads, less everything else basically lol). I still haven't done much working out since E has been sick but I am hoping to go this week now that he's better. I know it's small steps but hopefully this can lead me into the direction I should've taken months ago!

1 comment:

Lisa said...

hey about the makeup, I wrote a "favorite things" post about my fav. makeup! Go to the labels section on my blog, then favorite things and you should find it that way!! My must haves!!