
Tuesday, June 15, 2010

My little man is 9 months old!

 I'm about a week or so late on this but better late than never right :)

I can't believe how fast time is flying!! It feels like yesterday he was born and just this tiny, sweet little baby. Now he's this crazy, smiley little monster :P

Weight: 20.14 lbs

Height: 29 inches

Sleeping Patterns: We're working on it. Currently gets up at least 1x a night for a bottle but we're trying to break that

Favorite Foods: LOVES his gerber cheeto puffs! He could eat them all day if I let him. He's slowly getting off the bottle(his choice not mine). Recently started eating puree Mac and Cheese like it was going out of style too!

Milestones: E has been cruising on the furniture like a rockstar and is faster than the blink of an eye! He can stand for a few seconds by himself but is still pretty wobbly when he tries to walk alone. He crawls like a man man with a mission. Last week he figured out how to get off his toy truck and low furniture (or boxes when no one is looking) by himself too.

Talking: He said his first word a few weeks ago "Izzy"...and after our trip to AZ he hasn't stopped talking!! He says dada, daw (dog), and Daddy now too! We're working on getting a "mama" soon :D

Loves: His fuzzy (brown and blue blanket that he has now decided MUST be in his crib at all times), the little tiger fireman that came with his fire truck, Izzy (black lab), bath time, music class, swimming, and being with Momma or grandma (daddy too but the ladies are his favorite!)

Hates: Laying down on his back, being changed, being in his car seat and stroller (basically being confined at all!), taking the remote away from him.

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