
Thursday, November 4, 2010

30 Day Blog Challenge- Day 18-Something you regret

Ouch. I don't like this one :/

There are very few things in life I regret. Like really, I don't have many regrets. I believe things happen for a reason and what mistakes we make we can learn some type of lesson from them.

However, that doesn't mean there aren't things I wish I didn't do. I have one "incident" that pretty much haunts me. No matter what has happened in life, no matter who it is that I am having the blow-out with somehow this incident ALWAYS gets thrown in my face. The sucky part is, what happened was YEARS ago and the part that should make people made doesn't...the act itself does and although I 100% understand why it's just not fair. The circumstances are never taken into consideration and it's just automatic judging. 

That's all I can divulge folks. I try hard to repress those memories as it caused a lot of havoc on many lives and hurt people when it was NEVER meant to be that way. Mistakes happen. We make dumb choices. All we can do is move on...

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