Memory Stuff:
1-Finish pregnancy scrapebook
2-Start/Finish baby scrapbook
4-Make appointment/Take Halloween Pictures (1/2)
5-Make appointment/Take Christmas Pictures (1/2)
7-Do the 365 Photo Challange starting Jan. 2011
8-Finish wedding scrapbook
9-Book holiday family portraits session (1/2)
Ethan Stuff:
10-Transition Ethan into his crib in his own room :(
11-Work out details for Baptism (book church, plan party, ask Godparents)/ Baptize Ethan
14-Organize/Re-do the nursery
15-Take Ethan to storytime at the library at least once a month (0/12)
17-Write Ethan a letter on his birthday (1/2)
18-Go on a walk with Ethan at least 1x week until it gets too cold or snows
20-Throw Ethan a 2nd birthday party
21-Send out paperwork for Ethan's birth certificate
22-Put money in Ethan's piggy bank every month (amt to be decided)
23-Teach Ethan sign language
24-Start speaking and teaching Ethan Spanish
Me time:
26-Work on Photography (sign up for classes or research techniques, start taking more pics)
27-Sign up for Nursing School for RN
29-Take NET exam
30-Read 10 new books (6/10)
31-Get a new car
32-Reach goal weight (for me know and you to possibly find out ;P)
33-Lose 5 lbs by thanksgiving 2009
34-Lose additional 5lbs by xmas 2009
35-Lose 10lbs by valentine’s day 2010
36-Lose 15lbs by my birthday- May 10,2010
37-Lose 20lbs by Ethan’s 1st birthday- Sept 4,2010
38-Lose 15lbs by Xmas 2010
39-Do a mini-makeover on myself after losing 30lbs
40-Re-connect with an old friend
41-Send out x-mas cards (1/2)
42-Finish my "book"
43-Find a way to forgive
44-Join MOMS club on South Hill
45-Re-fresh on Spanish
46-Learn to knit
Health and Fitness:
48-No junk food for a week
49-Go to the gym at least 3x week for one month
50-Do sit-ups every day (start with 25 and increase by 25 every week) for 2 months
51-Do a half-marathon
52-No Fast Food for 21 days straight
53-Go to the farmers market and buy produce
54-Enroll in a dance class for fun
55-Take a pole dancing workout class
56-Take a trip with my sisters
57-Take Ethan to Sedona, AZ and hike
58-Go to the Grand Canyon...FINALLY
59-Take a vacation that is just me and Chris
60-Take Ethan to Chicago
61-Take a vacation to Seaside
62-Take Ethan to Disneyland
63-Blog about each goal completed (7/101)
64-Inspire someone to make a 101 on 1001 list
65-Get more followers for my blog (Start #- 3- Goal=20)
66-Do at LEAST one blog post a week (not goal list related) for 3 months
67-Make a new treat for the family and blog about it x12
69-Put together a recipe book of family and friends favorite recipes
70-Cook dinner for EVERYONE once a week for 6 months (6/24)
Family time:
71-Have a family game night once a month (with EVERYONE) for 3 months (0/3)
72-Take nephews in WA ice skating or sledding
73-Webchat with my mom and sister at least once a month (0/12)
74-Attend church with in-laws every week until Ethan's baptism
Our little family (Chris, Ethan and Me)
75-Move into our own place again
76-Re-decorate (or decorate) our bedroom
77-Do a family outing (just me,Chris,and Ethan) at least once a month (2/12)
78-Hike Mount Rainer with Chris and Ethan(maybe)
79-Do a snow day with Ethan and Chris, and make snowmen and go on a sled
80-Watch all episodes of George Lopez with Chris (me and Chris' favorite show)
81-Take a trip to the Space Needle in Seattle (fear of heights)
Money and Important Stuff:
82-Make a budget
84-Buy a lotto ticket every week for a month (1/4)
85-Get passports for me and Chris
87-Back-up all computers onto a external hard-drive (3/3)
88-Set up a interest savings account and/or Roth IRA
89-Get a WA license for me and Chris (0/2)
90-Put $1000/month in savings for 12 months (0/12)
91-Sign up for Life Insurance for me and Chris
92-Make a will for me and Chris
93-Start trying for baby #2 in
94-Clip coupons for places other than BRU
Good for the soul:
95-Collect xmas present for the kids in the hospital or orphanage
96-Go through storage unit and donate what we do not need
97-Choose a charity and start volunteer work
98-Buy a new bed
99-Sign up Izzy (black lab) for training class
100-Buy a DSLR Camera
101-Start a new list!
Alright, mark #64 off your list b/c I just finished my list! I'll be posting it on our blog soon.
Well you can mark #64 as completed, b/c I just finished my list! I needed the extra little push!!
YAY! Can't wait to see it!
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