
Sunday, February 28, 2010

#30 IN PROGRESS- Read 10 new books

I've added a new book to my list! Hot Stuff by Janet Evanovich!!

It was a wonderful, guilty pleasured, chick flick type book! One of those books that you can cuddle up on the couch when it's raining and read. There are parts where you kinda wonder where the author came up with the thought process but all in all I really enjoyed reading it and recommend it to those ladies who are into the "sappy chick flick" type books.

13-COMPLETE/FAIL-Nurse Ethan at least 5 times a day until he no longer nurses

I don't know how to really categorize this one as it was kinda a fail. I worked really hard to get E to nurse on a regular basis when he was first born and I was cleared from the rash incident but it just didn't go very well. So after 2 months he just one stopped nursing. He would go through phases of being really into it but still needing some type of bottle to not really wanting anything but a bottle. Then one day he just started refusing me so I guess I just gave up.

I know I've learned from this though that with our next LO if they are in the NICU then I will demand they do not bottle feed. They can use a syringe if need be. Yes it's a bit more of a pain for them but in the long it will help with the babies BF.

18-In Progress-Go on a walk with Ethan at least 1x week until it gets too cold or snows

It is FINALLY starting to get nice up here and we have been taking full advantage of it! I've been taking Ethan on walks or taking him to some outdoor event as much as we can. On our latest walk I think the fresh air did him in cause he was out before we were halfway done lol!

Monday, February 22, 2010

Nuby Review

These are my new favorite bottles! Since E was 3 weeks old we have been using Dr.Browns, mostly recently using Playtex drop-ins during outings, but within the last month he has really showed an interest in feeding himself. He grabs the bottles, twists all around, and really makes feedings very difficult cause as motivated as he is he just can't hold it by himself for too long. 

While I was at Babies R Us last week I saw these bottles and thought I had to give them a try! And I LOVE them! E can hold the bottles pretty well- we're still working on it when he's sitting up but he's got it mastered when he's in the reclining position. The teething nubs are so handy right now since he's had a hard time with that the past few weeks as well.

I defiantly give it two thumbs up!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Does baby E look like Mommy or Daddy??

Does Ethan look like Mommy or Daddy??

Combo of both

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Votes so far: 0

Days left to vote: 6

#86 COMPLETE-Get a part-time job

This one is kinda half and half....

All of my adult life I have been known to be a work-a-holic. I LOVE working...correction...I LOVE making money. Anyone who knew me said I would never be the type to stay at home once Ethan was born--and I totally agreed. That all went out the window when little man was born. Now I CAN'T work, I just can't bear the thought of being without him, or missing something in his life. But when push comes to shove, we need the money so I had to compromise.

Which leads me to #86. I got a VERY VERY part-time job in December working at the local community college in Puyallup 1-2 times a week. Not a bad gig, I scheduled myself on the nights someone would be home and it gave me some time to adjust to being away from E. However, the pay isn't the greatest and the more I got out here the more I realized I needed more money if we were going to accomplish the goals we have set. So in January I started my search again. This time I wanted something that gave me the option to bring E if need be.

Which landed right back into Childcare. I wasn't bothered by it, cause it's what I know and what I'm good at. A daycare in Tacoma hired me but once again the hour's weren't the best so in Febuary I searched AGAIN! A lovely family that lives 5 minutes from us ended up hiring me and is allowing me to bring E with me whenever I want, which is amazing!

So far the schedule seems to be working out nicely, although it is tiring. Some days I wish I worked one job full time, but deep down I know that isn't me. I've always had busy schedule, numerous clients and enough work to drive a person mad. But as long as I have my baby E with my whenever I want I'm good to go :)

Saturday, February 6, 2010

My little man is 5 months old!

I can't believe how fast time is flying :(

It feels like just yesterday he was born! He turned 5 months on the 4th, and I swear every single day he seems bigger and bigger to me. He's sitting up on his own now and doesn't lean on the backs of his highchair or stroller anymore. We put him in the seat of a shopping cart yesterday and he LOVED it! He looked like such a big boy too. The whole thing is very exciting but at the same time makes me wish it would slow down. I feel like if I blink I'm going to miss something.

I realized that I haven't posted any of his well check stats, so this weekend my goal is to upload is monthly pics and stats!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

My rollie pollie

My little man can now roll over tummy to back and back to tummy! He started tummy to back when he was about 2 months old and then showed no interest at all on working back to tummy until about 2 or 3 weeks ago. All of a sudden on Thursday (1/28/10) he rolled over and hasn't stopped!! This kid is a maniac now :) He rolls all over the place and even when you hold him he tries to roll away from you LMAO.

It's so cute but at the same time makes me wanna cry cause my baby is getting so big :( Soon he'll be crawling and then walking and the next thing you know I'll be sitting outside his pre-school door bawling my eyes out!

Here's another recent pic of him (...and how crazy he is)
He's gotton so big that when I go to wash his back in the bath he just kneels and holds onto the whale's tale (I am obviously very careful with this cause he can now "jump out"). He think's it's the funniest thing ever!