
Sunday, February 28, 2010

13-COMPLETE/FAIL-Nurse Ethan at least 5 times a day until he no longer nurses

I don't know how to really categorize this one as it was kinda a fail. I worked really hard to get E to nurse on a regular basis when he was first born and I was cleared from the rash incident but it just didn't go very well. So after 2 months he just one stopped nursing. He would go through phases of being really into it but still needing some type of bottle to not really wanting anything but a bottle. Then one day he just started refusing me so I guess I just gave up.

I know I've learned from this though that with our next LO if they are in the NICU then I will demand they do not bottle feed. They can use a syringe if need be. Yes it's a bit more of a pain for them but in the long it will help with the babies BF.

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