
Wednesday, November 10, 2010

30 Day Blog Challenge- Day 23-Favorite vacation

I really don't get to vacation very often. Usually when I go out of state it has a purpose besides relaxation. In fact, in the SEVEN years me and DH have been together we really haven't taken a vacation together. We've been out of state several times but every time was for either family or work...BOO!

If I had to choose I'd say so far my favorite vacation was to Disney World when I was 18. Yeah that's right, I didn't get to go to Disney World til I was 18 frickin' years old. My mom took me to Disney Land when I was a kid but I got to tag along to FL with my sister, Sandy, and her family the summer after I graduated HS. Crazy huh?

1 comment:

Sheena said...

It's okay I have never been to Disneyworld. My Mom even works for Disney!! I Havr been to Disneyland lots and life if times. Maybe we should take all the babies one year. That would be so much fun.