
Monday, January 4, 2010

He knows how to give me a heart attack for sure!

The first time your kid is REALLY sick is probably one of the worst feelings in the world. E had been acting really weird the past few weeks on and off-I feel like the worst mom in the world- and I always dismissed it for being something OTHER than being sick. He never had a fever, he was just always "off. Not sleeping well, clingy than normal, sometimes super fussy but a majority of the time a very happy baby.

Well on the night of the 1st he was just getting worse and worse, where it was to the point he would scream bloody murder if I put him down but calm down the second I picked him up. So I took his temp which read 93.3- weird to me considering it's normal 98-99. So I called the Pedi and the on call nurse starts off by telling me to bring him into the ER so they can rule out Twisted Gut Syndrome since it can be very dangerous for babies! Way to freak me out lady! As I start bawling my eyes our cause I'm so scared something wrong with my baby she mentions it could be an ear infection too. Nice. She couldn't have said the better of the two first??? RUDE!

So after making the trek to the ER in the rain, we wait for 4 hours and the Doc determines it's a nasty ear infection. He sends us off with an Rx and orders round the clock meds of Tylenol and Motrin- my poor baby!!!

But a few days later and he seems to be doing much much better...yay! We have his 4 month well check on Friday so we will see how that goes...

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