
Monday, March 22, 2010

Day 1 and Day 2

I'm a little late on posting always lol...but it sure has been one crazy week!

I did my first "real" shift at the AFH on Wednesday and boy did I plan that poorly! I always babysit Wednesday's during the day so that I can bring E with me and he can play with the other baby. I normally don't have him stay the whole time since he doesn't seem to nap there very well and gets super fussy but DH had to go to work so I got the monkey all day. Anyways, my day started at 11a at work, then I got off at 5:30p headed home to drop off E to grandma and grandpa, inhaled dinner, gave the monkey his nighttime love, then headed to work at the AFH at 6:30p.

The first half of the night went pretty well. Gave out meds, helped everyone go to sleep, finished my chores, then Chris got off work so we texted back and forth for a bit, did a night check, and then laid down for an hour or so.  Got up, finished my last few chores, and stared getting everyone up for the AM. This is where the fun started. I had a few pts. not wanting to get up so I was basically behind almost an hour doing the rest of my AM duties :/ Not the way I planned to finish off my first day. I was lucky enough to get almost caught up by the time the shift relief came in but kinda a kill to the ego cause I was thinking I was doing so well. But after working 21 hours I was absolutely drained! I headed up, hopped in bed, E had just gotten up so Chris brought him to me for smooches and then I slept til 1p.

For some reason I CANNOT sleep longer than that on the days I work til the AM. It really sucks!

My 2nd shift went a lot smoother since I knew to get everything done before I woke the pts. up. By the time the shift change happened I was basically done and able to leave right on time :)

I *think* I am getting the hang of things pretty well and really looking forward to learning more. I do my first day shift in April and that should be a whole new can of worms to open up :)

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