
Friday, October 15, 2010

How much is too much?

After reading my friend Lisa P.'s blog, I got to thinking about how another mommy friend of mine said I was doing too much with Ethan (as far as social activities). I know she didn't mean any harm by it but it kinda stung.

Me and DH always agreed we wanted to encourage our children to be social. We firmly believe that social skills are just as important as an education. You can graduate from Harvard Law but your not gonna land a gig at a predominant firm if you can't hold a conversation with charisma and gusto, right?

E most defiantly has my "go,go,go" personality. He likes to be busy but enjoys the few moments he gets to himself as well. This fall there was an opening in the Toddler Pre-school by our house that I heard was really good. I had opted to take E out of Kindercare (cost was WAY too much and it just wasn't worth it), and enroll him in that. He was also signed up for Kindermusik's Sign and Sing class, and at the last minute I saw that the YMCA had gym classes so we enrolled in Toddler Gym.

This is how Ethan's week goes:

Monday- Toddler Pre-K: 8am-11am
Tuesday- Toddler Gym:  10:30am-11:10am
Wednesday- Toddler Pre-K: 8am-11am
Thursday- Toddler Gym:  10:30am-11:10am THEN Kindermusik-11:30-12:10
Friday- Toddler Pre-K: 8am-11am

Do you think this is TOO much? I really haven't had any issues with E yet about the schedule. He really enjoys the activities, especially his Pre-K and Gym classes. Kindermusik is OK with him but I think next session I won't enroll him cause he's not a fanatic about it like the others.

I know in the end what me and DH thinks is all that matters, but I do worry that maybe I push too much on him. I don't want to end up being THAT mom.

1 comment:

Cassia said...

I'm impressed! WHOA! I don't know how YOU handle all of that along with everything go girl!